Escaped salmon a major threat to future wild fish due to genetic contamination, investigation finds

With 20% of male escapees sexually mature and capable of breeding with wild Atlantic salmon, threat to wild stocks ‘is particularly concerning’

Escaped salmon were confirmed in 12 rivers in Galway and Mayo between August 17th and September 30th but 30 rivers were potentially exposed – 26 of these were special areas of conservation for the species. Photograph: iStock
Escaped salmon were confirmed in 12 rivers in Galway and Mayo between August 17th and September 30th but 30 rivers were potentially exposed – 26 of these were special areas of conservation for the species. Photograph: iStock

A large proportion of the salmon captured after a fish farm escape of up to 8,000 fish at Killary Harbour, northern Connemara, last summer were sexually mature enough to breed with wild populations, an investigation by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) has found.

This represented a significant threat to wild salmon populations “through genetic contamination, impacting the overall ability of future salmon generations to survive in the wild”.

Responding to the findings, the environmental group Galway Bay Against Salmon Cages said they indicate the scale of the threat to wild salmon populations throughout the West of Ireland that would remain until “salmon farms are taken out of bays along the coast”.

IFI scientists confirm the upriver migration of farmed fish from was over a large area; “well over 100km in both north and south directions from the presumed source of the incident”.


The fish farm operated by the Mannin Bay Salmon Company and licensed to Docon Ltd of Mulranny, Co Mayo, estimated that between 7,000 and 8,000 fish escaped before a damaged net was repaired and then replaced.

The State environmental agency report shows 20 per cent of the male farm-reared fish were sexually mature and could breed with wild Atlantic salmon during the 2024/2025 spawning season.

Escaped salmon were confirmed in 12 rivers in Galway and Mayo between August 17th and September 30th but 30 rivers were potentially exposed – 26 of these were special areas of conservation for the species.

A minimum of 450 salmon were estimated to have entered rivers after the escape event. Some 50 recovered salmon underwent a full biological examination, and were subsequently verified as being of farm-origin by genetic analyses.

Dr Seán Kelly, IFI’s research officer and lead author, said: “The substantial geographical spread over which escaped farmed salmon were confirmed – in a critical region for wild Irish Atlantic salmon populations – is particularly concerning.”

Salmon suspected to be of farmed origin were caught by anglers in August and September 2024 in Mayo and Galway, and also at IFI’s fish-trapping facility at the National Salmonid Index Catchment, Co Mayo. Salmon specimens caught by anglers were sent to IFI’s river Erriff research station nearby for verification. Escaped farmed salmon were initially identifiable by having an out-of-season silver appearance.

Source: Inland Fisheries Ireland
Source: Inland Fisheries Ireland

“The potential presence of sexually-mature farmed salmon in wild Irish salmon rivers during the spawning period poses a risk of interbreeding with wild salmon,” said Dr Cathal Gallagher, head of research and development at IFI. “They can pose a significant threat to wild salmon populations through genetic contamination, impacting the overall ability of future salmon generations to survive in the wild.”

The investigation of a single relatively small escape in terms of reported numbers “highlights the potentially large-scale ecological implications that can arise more generally from marine salmon aquaculture escape events”, Dr Gallagher said.

Galway Bay Against Salmon Cages spokesman Billy Smyth said the report confirmed the threat from escapees, especially when there was “no mitigation available to net the fish as soon as they escaped”.

An escaped farm salmon caught on the Erriff river in the West of Ireland after thousands of fish escaped from a fish farm in Killary Harbour. It is indentifiable from its out-of-season silver colouration. Photograph: IFI
An escaped farm salmon caught on the Erriff river in the West of Ireland after thousands of fish escaped from a fish farm in Killary Harbour. It is indentifiable from its out-of-season silver colouration. Photograph: IFI

He reiterated the belief many more fish escaped than indicated and in turn entered rivers. “Once salmon enter fresh water they stop feeding. They’re very hard to catch without netting; that was not allowed.”

He said to protect wild populations of Atlantic salmon and sea trout the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) – as licensee and regulator – should take out salmon farms from coastal bays. “Salmon farmers should be bought out like the drift-netters were in 2007.”

Given the angling season finished at the end of September, the likelihood was that more escaped finish would have been caught after that point, he said – providing evidence that possibly thousands of fish made their way into rivers. He said he witnessed hundreds of farmed fish gathered at the back of Galway Weir but anglers were not allowed fish there.

Confirmation that a lot of the fish were fertile contradicted what the Marine Institute and salmon farmers had said; “that they could not breed” with wild fish, Mr Smyth said.

An unpublished preliminary report by the Marine Institute said the low number of fish recaptured suggested most of the escapees either migrated to sea or “succumbed to predation” by marine mammals, including seals and dolphins. The empty stomachs of a small number of recaptured farmed fish suggest they were unable to adjust to feeding in the wild, it concluded.

The incident happened on August 11th when a “well-boat” treating fish to freshwater baths to prevent amoebic gill disease at the farm in Rosroe tore a net on one cage during deteriorating weather.

The Institute’s preliminary report said the farmed salmon were not sexually mature, and seasonal factors, such as spawning periods, meant not all escaped fish found in rivers would “reproduce and hybridise” with native wild salmon.

An inspection report by a DAFM engineer said fish farm staff noticed the tear on the morning of August 12th and divers repaired it before it was replaced with a new net. It said the damaged net had been “relatively new”. The department was informed of the incident by the operator, but not until August 13th, outside the 24-hour notification period for reporting such incidents.

The engineer’s report, released to the Connacht Tribune under the Freedom of Information Act in November, said “no inspection records from the well-boat, diving operations, weather, stocking information, mortalities and CCTV footage were made available ... during the site inspection”.

Department officials accepted the operator’s estimate that up to 8,000 fish escaped, mainly non-mature salmon of one-and-a-half to 2 kgs each.

When the incident happened, GBASC described the escape as “massive” and estimated that between 10,000 and 30,000 fish had escaped from a cage holding about 38,000 salmon. It forecast it would have a “devastating impact” on the Erriff and Delphi rivers and others nearby, including the Kylemore, Clifden, Culfin and Ballynahinch if escaped fish were not recaptured.

Following this week’s report, the environmental group criticised how the company responded after the escape, when an action plan was required to recover as many fish as possible. As use of nets was not permitted for this process, it understood few, if any, escapees were recovered, Mr Smyth said.

However, the Institute report played down the potential for these fish to survive and interbreed. It also said the operator had “maintained low levels of sea lice on this farm for all of 2024″ and a sea lice inspection carried out on August 21st, on a sample of 30 fish from the affected pen found no sea lice on them. “This would indicate there is very little risk related to a sea lice infestation to wild salmon populations from these escapees,” it said.

Mannin Bay Salmon Farm and DAFM were asked to respond to the IFI findings but have yet to do so.

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan is Environment and Science Editor and former editor of The Irish Times