Walnut meringue gâteau with pears

Walnut Meringue Gâteau with Pears. Photograph: C Prendergast
Serves: 6
Course: Dessert


  • 2 large egg whites
  • 110 g/4 oz (1⁄2 cup plus 1 tablespoon) caster (superfine) sugar
  • 50 g/2 oz (scant 1⁄2 cup) chopped walnuts
  • To assemble and decorate:
  • 2 ripe dessert pears
  • 225 ml/8 fl oz (1 cup) whipped cream
  • 5 walnut halves

1. Preheat the oven to 130°C/265°F. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper and, with a pencil, draw out two 19cm/7 1⁄2-inch diameter circles on the paper. Flip the paper over so the pencil is on the underside.

2. To make the meringue: Check that the bowl of your electric stand mixer is dry, spotlessly clean and free from grease. Place the egg whites and sugar into the bowl and whisk until the mixture forms stiff peaks, about 10 minutes. Fold in the chopped walnuts and, using the drawn on circles as a guide, evenly spread onto the baking sheet in two circles.

3. Bake for about one hour, until crisp and set. When the meringue is cooked it will lift easily away from the baking paper. Allow to cool completely.

4. To assemble and decorate: Put one of the meringue circles on a serving plate. Peel the pears, remove the core and slice into 1cm wide pieces. Spread or pipe most of the whipped cream over the meringue and arrange the slices of pear on top of the cream. Put the second circle of meringue on top and lightly press down. Decorate the top with rosettes of the remaining cream and the walnut halves.