Andy Noonan’s chimichurri

Andy Noonan's chimichurri. Photograph: Tom Honan
Makes: 1
Course: Side


  • 300g parsley, chopped
  • 2 large bulbs garlic, chopped
  • 100g dried oregano
  • 50-100g dried chilli flakes (depending on spice level)
  • Salmuera: 500ml water and 10g salt
  • 300ml red wine vinegar
  • Finish with sunflower/olive oil
  1. Hydrate all the dry ingredients with the salmuera and vinegar, allow it to rest for one hour.
  2. After one hour, add the oil, mix thoroughly, store in a jar, cover the top with a little more oil and refrigerate.
  3. It will keep for 2-3 months in the fridge, top up with more ingredients over time.