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Vanilla panna cotta with raspberries and toasted almond

Vanilla pannacotta with toasted almonds and raspberries. Photograph: Harry Weir
Makes: 6
Course: Dessert
Cooking Time: 2 hrs
Prep Time: 30 mins


  • A little vegetable oil, for greasing moulds
  • 600ml double cream
  • 400ml milk
  • 120g icing sugar
  • Seeds from 3 vanilla pods, or 2 tbsp vanilla paste
  • 6 gelatine leaves (standard supermarket size)
  • 3 tbsp flaked almonds
  • 50g fresh raspberries
  • mint leaves, to garnish
  1. Place six fondant/pudding moulds on a tray and brush lightly with some vegetable oil.
  2. Place the cream, milk, icing sugar and vanilla seeds/paste in a saucepan and warm gently over a low heat without allowing the mixture to boil, stirring occasionally.
  3. Place the gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water until they soften.
  4. Once the sugar has dissolved in the milk and cream, remove it from the heat and pour the mix into a jug through a fine sieve. Strain the gelatin and stir into the milk and cream until dissolved.
  5. Leave the mixture at room temperature for 1 hour to cool, then stir again before pouring into the pre-oiled moulds.
  6. Chill in the fridge until set, cold and wobbly to touch.
  7. Place the almonds in a preheated oven at 150c for 10 minutes until golden brown all over then remove and allow to cool.
  8. To serve, dip the outside of the panna cotta moulds in some boiled water to help release them, before turning out on to a plate; they should wobble but hold their shape. Slice the raspberries in half lengthways and place on top of the panna cotta along with some toasted almonds and mint leaves, then serve.
Mark Moriarty

Mark Moriarty

Mark Moriarty is an award winning chef, TV host, author and Irish Times columnist.