Covid: HSE reports highest number of cases since last wave in August

A total of 1,200 cases of COVID-19 were recorded and 459 people were hospitalised with Covid during the first week of January

The Health Service Executive has warned of hospitals coming under strain because of rising flu and coronavirus infections, saying those with symptoms should stay at home and avoid contact with other people.

The Health Service Executive has warned of hospitals coming under strain because of rising flu and coronavirus infections, saying those with symptoms should stay at home and avoid contact with other people.

The body urged people not yet vaccinated for flu or Covid-19 to do so if they are eligible, saying such steps help to prevent serious illness and the spread of infection to vulnerable people.

Influenza cases have nearly doubled since the week before Christmas and Covid cases are the highest level since August, the HSE said in a statement on Wednesday, which noted “substantial increases” in the numbers needing hospital treatment for respiratory infections.

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“Pressure is increasing on the hospital systems and it is expected that influenza activity will continue to rise towards a peak in the coming weeks,” it said.


People with symptoms aged 65 and older were told to seek further advice if they felt unwell. The same advice applied to pregnant women and people with a chronic medical condition or weakened immune system. Those whose symptoms did not improve after seven days, or became progressively worse, were also told to seek further advice.

“Vaccination is particularly encouraged for people who are at a higher risk of severe illness, like pregnant women or those aged over 65,” the HSE said. “Health and care workers should get vaccinated to protect themselves, their families and patients.”

Provisional data shows 1,628 flu cases were recorded in the first week of January, 414 of which left people needing hospital treatment, the highest number so far this winter. There were 1,200 Covid cases in the same period, with 459 of those infected being hospitalised.

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The number of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases, an infection that causes coughs and colds, “increased slightly” in the first week of January compared to the previous week. There were some 465 cases, with 147 of those infected needing hospital care.

“RSV activity peaked in early December and declined throughout December,” the HSE said. “This slight increase is usual in early January, following socialisation over the Christmas period and the return to school/child care. The increase in RSV in early January each season is generally at a lower level than the initial peak of activity.”

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Arthur Beesley

Arthur Beesley

Arthur Beesley is Current Affairs Editor of The Irish Times