Impact of cycle lanes and other active travel ‘more positive’ than people expect, study finds

Researcher from ESRI says ‘opposition to traffic policy changes is not unique to Ireland’

Photo by Finbarr O'Reilly/Getty Images)
Dedicated infrastructure that allows cyclists to complete full journeys while feeling safe increases cycling rates, particularly among women and older people who are otherwise less likely to do so. File photograph: Finbarr O'Reilly/Getty Images

The impact of cycle lanes and other active travel infrastructure is often more positive than people expect, according to research by Irish scientists.

Planners designing such infrastructure need to challenge the status quo to increase support for new initiatives, the study by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) finds.

Reviewing international evidence on the effects of infrastructure changes designed to promote cycling and walking, researchers found that improving active travel facilities boosts rates of cycling and walking.

Knock-on effects on local food and retail businesses tend to be positive or neutral, while such schemes can also reduce traffic congestion, they found.


However, the study notes, despite benefits of reduced emissions, better air quality and improved public health, proposals to alter existing infrastructure to facilitate active travel frequently face opposition from communities, usually based on negative expectations about the effects on businesses and traffic.

The review points to psychological biases that may hinder support. Status quo bias leads to people preferring things to remain the same even where change is beneficial. Under the “collective illusion”, supporters of schemes may believe they are in a minority.

People may also attach too much weight to the first piece of information they encounter about schemes (a “primacy effect”) or evaluate information based on who it comes from rather than what it contains (“messenger effect”).

The study highlights design features that can maximise the benefit of active travel schemes. Dedicated infrastructure that allows cyclists to complete full journeys while feeling safe increases cycling rates, particularly among women and older people who are otherwise less likely to do so.

Cycle lanes that are segregated from other traffic, painted and are given priority by lights at intersections, boost real and perceived safety for both cyclists and pedestrians, it finds. “These benefits are greater when initiatives are accompanied by traffic-calming measures, such as reduced speed limits and raised crossings at intersections.”

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan said that Dublin and other Irish cities will see cycling become most common form of transport. Video: PA/Getty

Dr Shane Timmons, of the ESRI’s behavioural research unit, said “opposition to traffic policy changes is not unique to Ireland”.

“However, in multiple countries, research finds that people become more positive about changes once they are implemented. Open and fair consultations with communities to address concerns about traffic, local businesses and safety are helpful,” he added.

The study was commissioned by the National Transport Authority and Fingal County Council.

“There is a disconnect between public attitudes to climate action and public adoption of climate action initiatives,” David Storey of Fingal County Council noted. “Mass modal shift to active travel is necessary to achieve meaningful climate action and we are already using this research to help us make design and communication choices that will close that gap between understanding and behaviour.”

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Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.