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‘I spent €5,000 a year on cigarettes’: How one Dubliner kicked the habit

Robyn Sadlier found support of HSE Quit team’s cessation coach invaluable after 20 years of smoking

Robyn Sadlier: 'The first thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t smell like an ashtray any more'. Photograph: Leah Farrell/ Photocall Ireland
Robyn Sadlier: 'The first thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t smell like an ashtray any more'. Photograph: Leah Farrell/ Photocall Ireland

Robyn Sadlier started smoking when she was 15 years old “because it was the thing that all the cool kids were doing, even though the first cigarette I had was horrific”, she recalls.

Looking back, the 35-year-old says: “God only knows why I smoked again after that, but I kept going for 20 years – and had got to the point where I was smoking a pack or more a day.

“I suffered with many side effects over the years, including a cough, feeling out of breath, having a smell on my clothes, which, as a non-smoker now, I can smell on others now and it’s really unpleasant. I also spent a lot of money, I’d say about €5,000 a year on cigarettes. I felt a kind of shame about smoking and I neglected my psychological health so I was also quite overweight.”

Despite the negative aspects of smoking, the Dublin woman tried to give up on several occasions without much success. Then four months ago, she made the decision to try again in earnest, and this time enlisted the help of an expert.


“I decided to start the [HSE] Quit programme and it has been fantastic from the start,” says Sadlier, who works as a consultant in the technology sector. “The big difference from when I tried to stop before is having the support of a cessation coach – I can’t stress enough how valuable this has been. I think that having someone checking in on me has held me accountable and less likely to start. And I’ve seen so many benefits already.

“The first thing I’ve noticed is, of course, that I don’t smell like an ashtray any more, then there’s the difference in the carbon monoxide breath test which has seen my levels change from red to green – tangible evidence that I’m improving.

“I’ve been using nicotine patches and nicotine replacement therapy and I’ve found everything really helpful. And having Matt from the Quit programme explain everything to me and be there if I need support has helped me to stick to the plan.”

Robyn Sadlier would advise anyone to try the Quit programme. Photograph: Leah Farrell / Photocall Ireland
Robyn Sadlier would advise anyone to try the Quit programme. Photograph: Leah Farrell / Photocall Ireland

The ex-smoker says she has also seen an improvement in her hair, teeth, nails and skin, not to mention her bank balance which is also healthier.

“I have seen so many positives since giving up smoking and I would advise anyone else who is worried that they might not be able to do it to try the Quit programme,” she says.

COPD: ‘Giving up cigarettes was the best day’s work I ever did’Opens in new window ]

The HSE service – details of which can be found at – provides free NRT [nicotine replacement therapy] inhalers, sprays, mists, lozenges and patches. This year it will expand with an extra €240,000 in funding which will enable more interactions and more assistance for those looking to quit.

According to the most recent census, fewer than one in 10 people smoke on a daily basis in Ireland, while 4 per cent smoke occasionally. These statistics are encouraging but the recently released Healthy Ireland survey showed that one in five people aged 25-34 are smoking, representing the highest levels of all age groups.

Martina Blake, national lead at the HSE Tobacco Free Ireland Programme, says while smoking rates in Ireland are falling slightly based on the recent Healthy Ireland Survey, it still shows a worryingly high level of use for those in the 25-34 age bracket, so it is important that people avail of the help available.

Dr Paul Kavanagh, HSE public health medicine lead with the Tobacco Free Ireland Programme, agrees, saying “we are pleased to offer free NRT to people using our services”.

“Since it became widely available across our services in 2023, the impact of free NRT for people using our support to quit has been game-changing ... People who use NRT double their chances of quitting successfully,” he says.