INTO passes strong motion against new organisation for principals

A serious rift has developed between a new group representing primary school principals and the INTO, the largest of the teaching unions.

The INTO last night passed an emergency motion condemning recent statements by the Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN) and instructing the union's executive to take "appropriate action" if the statements were repeated.

At the IPPN's annual conference earlier this year, its director, Mr Sean Cottrell, suggested the INTO was not doing enough for principals and the union's benchmarking submission made only scant reference to their pay and conditions. He also said the work done by principals was different to that of teachers.

The comments have angered many INTO members who are worried the IPPN could break away. It is now strictly a professional association, but some INTO members are concerned it could usurp the union's role in the future. The INTO now represents all principals in negotiations with the Department. The INTO general secretary, Senator Joe O'Toole, was particularly angry at Mr Cottrell's comments and in a recent internal newsletter, Eolas, he strongly criticised him.


The IPPN is part of a general movement to improve the position of principals in the education system. The National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals is trying to achieve similar aims at second level. The INTO maintains it has worked hard to raise issues relevant to principals. The conference debated its position on the IPPN during a private session yesterday afternoon. Union sources said it came under heavy criticism, with several members warning it could cause division among teachers. Other members said they did not support any attempts to silence Mr Cottrell.

The strongly worded motion from a branch in Limerick city was passed. It said:

"Congress condemns both the tone and the content of statements made recently at the IPPN conference concerning the position of the INTO and the conditions of service/salaries of principal teachers.

Declares that the conditions of service/salaries of all teachers, including principals, are matters for negotiation for the appropriate trade union, in this case the INTO.

Calls on the director of IPPN to acknowledge the strenuous efforts made by the INTO to advance the cause of all teachers, including principals, and further calls on the director to refrain from any future comments which are divisive in nature.

Calls on the CEC to consider the position of the INTO vis-a-vis the IPPN in the light of the comments made and in the event of any future such statements to consider taking appropriate action."