The Government needs to scale-up efforts to curtail spread of a virulent form of avian flu in light of shocking numbers of wild birds dying across Britain from the disease, according to BirdWatch Ireland (BWI).
It called for an emergency meeting of key stakeholders to develop and implement a response plan to the growing threat of the spread in Ireland of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) that is currently devastating seabird colonies in the UK.
BWI said it was shocked at the scale of the impacts on seabirds evident in recent days and weeks — with multiple reports of birds falling from the sky. “We are witnessing the potential decimation of seabird populations on a scale that has not been seen before in our lifetimes. We are as a result gravely concerned for seabird colonies in Ireland,” it warned.
What is heightening concerns among wildlife experts is the range of species being affected. Among wild populations it has spread from geese to other wildfowl, raptors and seabirds. In previous years, it mainly occurred in winter but is affecting the breeding populations of iconic coastal species such as the eider in recent months.
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No cases of HPAI have been positively identified in seabirds in the Republic yet, but cases have been confirmed in several locations in Northern Ireland. “We believe that it is only a matter of time before a wild bird is tested positive by DAFM veterinary staff, but casual sightings indicate that the disease is probably present in our wild birds already,” said BWI senior seabird conservation officer Dr Stephen Newton.
HPAI has the potential to spread rapidly in breeding seabird colonies, as seabirds gather in high numbers and in close proximity to lay eggs and rear chicks on Irish cliffs, headlands and islands, especially at this time of the year.
BWI is particularly concerned about the threat to Ireland’s seabirds of international importance. Rockabill Island off the coast of Skerries in north Co. Dublin holds up to 80 per cent of Europe’s breeding roseate terns, while the Kilcoole, Co Wicklow Little Tern colony holds 40 per cent of Ireland’s little tern population.
Manx Shearwater occurs on just a handful of colonies; and sites such as Great Saltee hold internationally important breeding seabird populations, including Gannet, which has been impacted particularly severely, he confirmed. Twenty-three of Ireland’s 24 breeding seabirds are already red- or amber-listed birds of conservation concern with puffin and kittiwake globally threatened.
“Ireland is internationally important within Europe for a lot of seabirds. We hold the biggest European colonies of some species. The Roseate Tern on Rockabill would be one, where we have up to 80 per cent of the European population on one little island,” Dr Newton said.
He added: “It’s frightening. There are three or four species where virtually the whole of the Irish, or sometimes the whole of the European, population nest at just one or two sites. Our big fear is that these could be wiped out completely.”
Stakeholders with the relevant knowledge and responsibilities, including the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine; the National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) and BWI should be convened as soon as possible to develop an appropriate response plan, Dr Newton said.
BWI with the agreement of NPWS, has ceased research and monitoring activities at seabird colonies, where its staff and volunteers would be in very close proximity to wild birds, except in exceptional circumstances. This will help reduce disturbance and minimise risk of spreading the disease, he confirmed.
“Our seabirds are the life and soul of the coastline in the summer. The Government has a responsibility to protect them as much as possible from this deadly disease,” he urged.
HPAI originated in intensively managed poultry flocks and then infected wild birds. “Putting in place measures which may help to minimise the spread in Ireland is essential to prevent further biodiversity loss, but also to protect poultry flocks which could be reinfected from the disease circulating in the wild bird population,” Dr Newton said.
If members of the public come across a dead or distressed wild bird, they are advised to report it to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Marine at