Armagh - St Patrick’s Church of Ireland -Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Services at 10am Holy Communion (said; no sermon or hymns -traditional form), 11am Sung Eucharist (contemporary form) and 3:15pm Choral Evensong (sung). MON to SAT at 9:30am Morning Prayer (said). WEDNESDAY, as well as Saints and Holy Days at 9:30am Holy Communion, contemporary form. OPENING TIMES for visitors are 9am to 4pm (Nov-March) and until 5pm (April-Oct). Group tours must be pre-arranged with the Cathedral Steward. YOU WILL BE most welcome to join us at any of our Sunday or daily services; or just to spend time either in quiet reflection or looking at the beautiful architecture. The Very Rev Shane Forster, Dean of St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral, Armagh City -Further information is available by, visiting:
Belfast Cathedral (The Cathedral Church of St. Anne) On Sundays, the Cathedral is open for Choral Eucharist at 11am and Choral Evensong at 3.30pm. It is open for Afternoon Prayers from 1pm-1:15pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Cathedral also hosts a Ministry of Healing service on a Friday at 1.00pm in the Hall. Visitors to St. Anne’s Cathedral are welcome to from Tuesday to Saturday at 10am-4pm. (It will be closed to visitors during services). People of all traditions and all faiths are welcome to join us, Dean Stephen Forde. Visit:
Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin City - Sung Eucharist is at 11am and Choral Evensong is at 3:30pm each Sunday. Weekday services are at 10am (Said Morning Prayer via webcam), 12 Noon (Said Peace Prayers via webcam), 12:45pm (Said Eucharist via webcam) and 5pm (Said Evening Prayer via webcam), and 6pm (Choral Evensong -Thursdays during choir term). ALL ARE STILL WELCOME to join us online via webcam for our services. Visit for further information. A warm welcome awaits you, The Very Revd Dermot Dunne, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral.
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Cork City (St. Finn Barre’s) The Cathedral is open for public worship on Sundays. Other occasional services will continue to be streamed online. Sunday Services are 11:15am (Choral Eucharist) and 3:30pm (Choral Evensong). Weekday and Saturday Services are at 12 noon (Said Eucharist). The Cathedral is also open to visitors from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5:30pm from Monday to Saturday. Very Rev. Nigel Dunne (Dean of Cork). For more information, visit:
Derry/Londonderry (Saint Columb’s Cathedral) Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Services are at 8am (Holy Communion) 11am (Choral Eucharist on 1st and 3rd Sundays, and Coral Matins on 2nd and 4th Sundays) 4pm (Choral Evensong). The Daily Office is said at 10.30am Mon, Wed, Thur and Fri (The Litany) in The Baptistery. The Eucharist is celebrated on Tuesday at 10.30am in The Bishop William Alexander Chapel. (For any changes to our regular services, please check the magazine online). The Very Reverend Raymond Stewart, Dean
Down Cathedral, Downpatrick - Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity. The Third Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 10th July at 11:30am (Morning Prayer). Thursday 14th July at 10am with Holy Communion. Evening Prayer is Mon-Fri at 5pm. YOU ARE VERY WELCOME to visit Down Cathedral -Monday to Saturday, between 10am and 4pm and on Sundays between 1pm and 4pm. It is situated within a short walk from Downpatrick town centre, and is adjacent to The Saint Patrick Centre. DOWN CATHEDRAL is first and foremost a place for prayer and worship - not only for the local congregation and people of the Church of Ireland Diocese -but for all those in Ireland, and beyond, who cherish the faith of Patrick. It is, in effect, a house of prayer for all nations. VISIT for further information. Very Rev Henry Hull, Dean
National Cathedral of the Church of Ireland THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 09.15 EUCHARIST said in the Lady Chapel. 11.15 CHORAL EUCHARIST sung by the choir of Saint Thomas Church, Columbus, Ohio. Smith in E, Johnson: The Lone Wild Bird, arr Schweizer: The Morning Trumpet. Preacher: The Revd P.A. Harvey, M.A. Prebendary of Stagonil. 15.15 CHORAL EVENSONG - sung by the choir of Saint Thomas Church, Columbus, Ohio. Responses: Thevenot, Canfield: Be still and know, Psalm 53, Friedell in F, Friedell: Draw us in the Spirits tether. EUCHARIST at 11.05 Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. CHORAL EVENSONG sung by the choir of Emmanuel College, Cambridge at 17.30 on Tuesday EVENING PRAYER at 17.30 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. For further information visit
St Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen -Sunday 10th July -Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Services are at 9am and 11am. (11am service is live-streamed). Weekday services are at 11am on Thursdays (Holy Communion) and other services are as announced. Sunday evening services are currently suspended. The Very Rev Kenneth R J Hall, Dean of St. Macartin’s Cathedral. For further information, visit
St Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick City -Service of Worship is at 11:15am (Holy Communion on 1st and 3rd Sunday, and Morning Prayer on 2nd and 4th). Morning Prayer is each Mon, Wed, Fri at Sat at 9am, and on Tuesdays at 10:30am. Service of Holy Communion on Thursday mornings at 10:30am. Join us online and visit for updates to our schedule. You will be most welcome The Very Revd Niall J. Sloane
All Saints Church, Belfast is located on University Street (near to Queens University) and Sunday Services are at 11:30am (St Nicholas Church, Lisburn Road) and 7:30pm (ASC, University Street). We are proud to be hosting UniChurch Belfast every Sunday evening. This has a more relaxed feel and contemporary style. Join us for tea and coffee afterwards. You will be most welcome. Rev Trevor Johnston. Visit
All Saints Church, Dublin -Eucharistic Service is at 9:30am each Sunday. On the 4th Sunday of each month there is a Family Service at 10am. Wednesdays at 10am (Eucharistic Service). An evening service is held on the 2nd Sunday of each month (Wholeness and Healing Service). We are located on the Howth Road, next to Raheny Village, Dublin 5. All Welcome. Rev. Norman McCausland. Visit for more information
Ardamine Group, Co Wexford Ardamine Kiltennel 10.15am Clonevan 11.30am Kilnamanagh 11.45am MONAMOLIN 7.30PM SUMMER PRAISE (service of favourite hymns), followed by tea in the Community Centre
Bailieborough Group of Parishes We are a group of four Church of Ireland parishes around Bailieborough, Mullagh, Shercock and Knockbride in Co. Cavan. Our services are open to everyone in the community, and will take place at the following times: 9:30am at Shercock and Mullagh, 10:45 at Mullagh and 12 noon at Knockbride. All welcome. Find us on Facebook or at for more information. Rector: Rev Ian Horner
Bangor Parish Church, Co Down -Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Traditional Service at 10am and Contemporary Service at 11:30am; with refreshments served between each service. There is also a 7pm Service for Young Adults. We are located at the junction of Hamilton Road and Castle Street, Bangor, Co. Down. For more information, visit:
Christ Church Bray Sunday Service is at 11am and also available to view live stream at For full details of services please refer to our website
Enniscorthy and Monart (Union of Parishes), Co. Wexford. Saturday 9th July at 7pm in St. Paul’s Church, Clone (Family Service). Sunday 10th July -FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY -St. Paul’s Church, Templescoby at 9:30am (Family Service) and 11:30am at St. Mary’s Church, Enniscorthy (Holy Communion). Mid-week Holy Communion in St. Mary’s Church every Thursday at 10:30am. Visit for more information and for full details. Rector: Rev. Nicola Halford.
Immanuel Church, Dublin City, meets every Sunday at 11am in the Irish Church Missions building, 28 Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1. We extend a warm welcome to people from every race and nation and background. Pastor Kieron Lynch. For more details, visit:
Kill O The Grange, Dublin, is an evangelical church, belonging to the Church of Ireland, and rooted in the community. Services are on Sundays at 9:30am (Holy Communion), 10:15am for Coffee, Fellowship and Prayer (School Car Park), and 11am (indoor Gathering). Wednesdays at 10:30am (Holy Communion Service). We are also open on Thursdays for private prayer from 10am to 12 noon. Visit to find out more. Rev. Alan Breen
St Anne’s, Dawson Street, Dublin City -Sunday Service is at 11am (alternately Matins and Eucharist) with full choir. Christians of all traditions are welcome to participate in all services and to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Saint Anne’s is currently open Wednesday to Friday from 11am to 2pm for private prayer and visitors.
St Audoen Cornmarket St Audoen Cornmarket, 9.30 Bellringing. 10.00 Eucharist (every Sunday). Access on foot through St Audoen’s Park. The OPW Visitor Centre is open to the public every day.
St Catherine St James Donore Avenue 11.30 Service of the Word (most Sundays), St Thomas the Apostle. Saturday 16 July, 14.00 Holy Baptism.
St Catherine’s, Thomas Street, Dublin City -11am in person or online. Visit our website at for further information.
St James Church, Crinken, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday 10th July at 11am. Rector, Trevor Stevenson. We seek to honour God and share the love of Jesus in our community in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are located on the old Dublin Road, half way between Bray and Shankill. For more information, visit;
St John the Baptist, Clontarf, Dublin -Sundays at 8:30am (Holy Communion) and 10:30am (as announced). Wednesday morning services take place in the Parish Centre at 10:30am, and online prayer groups meet on Zoom each Tuesday at 7:30pm. To find out more, visit, -Revd Lesley Robinson
St John the Evangelist, Coolock, Dublin -Sunday Service is at 11am, and all are welcome. Our church building is located at Coolock, Dublin 5, between the Oscar Traynor Road and Malahide Road; next to the Odeon Cinema. Rector: Rev. Norman McCausland. Further details are found at
St John the Evangelist, Park Avenue, Sandymount Sunday 10th July - 4th Sunday after Trinity: Sung Eucharist 11 a.m. Wednesday 13th July: Holy Eucharist 11 a.m.
St Mary’s Parish, Howth, Co. Dublin. 10:30am. Visit: for further details. Revd Philip Heak, Rector
Zion Church, Rathgar Sunday 10th July - The Fourth Sunday after Trinity. 10.30am Morning Prayer. 9.00am Holy Communion 1. All welcome.
About The Presbyterian Church in Ireland --The Presbyterian form of the Christian faith is best described as Reformed; with its strong emphasis on the Sovereignty of God, the Kingship of Christ and the authority of the Bible. For more information, and for a full list of congregations around the whole island of Ireland, visit:
About the Methodist Church in Ireland The Methodist Church in Ireland is a community of people drawn together by Gods love, who seek to live wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world. With 212 churches spread across the island of Ireland from North to South, and East to West. To find a church near you, visit
Belfast Central Mission -BCM is made up of two congregations -Grosvenor Hall and the nearby Sandy Row. Grosvenor Hall congregation meet for Sunday Worship at 11am each week. Lunchtime prayers each weekday at 1:15pm and Communion very Wednesday at 8am. Please do call in if you are in Belfast. For further information about our Christmas Services, visit:
Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin The Methodist Church, Northumberland Avenue, Dun Laoghaire. Sunday Service 11am. Our services can also be accessed online at
Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland is a Gospel Partnership of 117 independent local churches who have voluntarily agreed to work together. These churches represent a Baptist community of over 20,000 across Ireland -North and South. For further information and for a full list of congregations, please visit:
Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Services are at 8am (Holy Communion) 11am (Choral Eucharist on 1st and 3rd Sundays, and Coral Matins on 2nd and 4th Sundays) 4pm (Choral Evensong). The Daily Office is said at 10.30am Mon, Wed, Thur and Fri (The Litany) in The Baptistery. The Eucharist is celebrated on Tuesday at 10.30am in The Bishop William Alexander Chapel. (For any changes to our regular services, please check the magazine online). The Very Reverend Raymond Stewart, Dean