Archbishop Eamon Martin: ‘Peaceful and reconciled society’ set out in Belfast Agreement still to be accomplished

Archbishop Martin says that, to date, we have been unable to find a way of healing the ‘awful open wounds’

Archbishop Eamon Martin paid tribute to John Hume, David Trimble, Martin McGuinness, David Ervine and Mo Mowlam in his Easter address. Photograph: Tom Honan

Primate of All Ireland Archbishop Eamon Martin has said we must all take responsibility that the vision of a “peaceful and reconciled society” as set out in the Belfast Agreement has as yet to be accomplished.

In his Easter message Archbishop Martin noted that to date we have been unable to find a way of healing the “awful open wounds” of the past or sustaining positive relationships within, and between these islands.

The Archbishop of Armagh said that on Good Friday afternoon a group of young people carried a large cross up the centre aisle of St Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh.

“I was conscious that their procession was taking place on the 25th anniversary of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement,” Archbishop Martin said.


“These young people were not even born in 1998. They have no recollection of the terrible violence which brought so much destruction, bloodshed, grief and trauma within our communities. And thank God for that.”

What was achieved on Good Friday 1998 still feels remarkableOpens in new window ]

He said that he was thankful for the lives and livelihoods that have been saved since the agreement was reached in 1998. He also paid tribute to John Hume, David Trimble, Martin McGuinness, David Ervine and Mo Mowlam, saying that that all of the “architects of the agreement” had made political compromises to secure a better future for us all.

Archbishop Martin admitted that he had “mixed emotions” during the anniversary event in the Assembly buildings at Stormont on Friday.

'Northern Ireland has moved on' - Fintan O'Toole on 25th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement

Listen | 47:10

“On the one hand, on behalf of the thousands of people who were killed or injured during the Troubles, I am grateful that hostilities were largely ended in 1998 and the lethal bombs and bullets were removed from politics on this island,” he said.

“On the other hand, on behalf of our children and grandchildren, I am saddened that we remain a people divided, separated by distrust, sectarianism, and by the continued threatening presence of paramilitaries.

“We seem to be unable to agree to govern ourselves in a normal manner for any reasonable length of time.”

The Belfast Agreement achieved its aim, stopped the killing and created a better futureOpens in new window ]

Belfast Agreement at 25: Plea for Stormont renewal to avoid leaving peace efforts ‘in vain’Opens in new window ]

Archbishop Martin added that the work of reconciliation is compulsory for Christians.

“Reconciliation was not an optional extra in the gospel message and teaching of Jesus: it was a core value,” he said.

“To leave unchallenged the existence of sectarianism, bigotry, hatred and violence between Christians, is a grave scandal.

“The cross and resurrection which are at the core of the Easter message, confront us to go beyond ourselves to the other, and to make sacrifices for peace, harmony, forgiveness, and healing.

“That is why, during these days, I ask you to join with me in prayer that the 25th anniversary of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement might be a catalyst for greater engagement by all of us in the unfinished work of peace, healing and reconciliation.”