IrelandMorning Briefing

Monday’s Top Stories: Immigration concern surges, new poll finds; Relic of St Brigid returns to Co Kildare

Here are the most important stories you need to start your day, including operators of Dublin’s Ambassador Theatre seek to fence in venue

Ireland's women lift the rugby Sevens World Series trophy yesterday after a 19-14 victory over Australia. Photograph: Travis Hayto/INPHO

Surge in prominence of immigration issues, according to new survey

Immigration tops the list of issues getting the attention of voters in the past month, according to a new measure of public sentiment introduced today by The Irish Times and Ipsos B&A.

Almost a quarter (24 per cent) of respondents to the survey cited immigration issues when asked what they had noticed about what the Government had done recently.

Next on the list was housing, at 19 per cent, with taxes and social policies each at 4 per cent.

Top News Stories

News from around the World

  • Concerns Gaza conflict could spread as three US soldiers killed in drone attack in Jordan: At least three US soldiers were killed and more than 30 injured, some in serious condition, in a drone attack on a base in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border, the first time US troops have been killed in the region since the start of the Gaza war. US president Joe Biden said that the attack, which took place overnight on Saturday, was carried out by “radical Iran-backed militant groups”.

The Big Read

Ryanair has clarified its terms and conditions regarding passports
  • Ryanair’s passport rules leaves UK-bound passenger - and its staff - confused: “Could you look into an issue for me relating to the requirements for a passport on Ryanair flights,” begins a mail from a reader called Phil. “I know you’ve run articles on this previously but this issue seems to have stumped even Ryanair who have given contradictory and wrong advice. As things stand, I’m just going to avoid the issue by flying with Aer Lingus since I have no confidence that Ryanair has a clear policy.”

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Activists from Riposte Alimentaire throwing soup at Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa at the Louvre in Paris. Photograph: David Cantiniaux/Getty

Culture and Life & Style Highlights

Video & Podcast Highlights

  • In the News: Ken Early on Fifa, Infantino and football’s racism problem: AC Milan goalkeeper Mike Maignan and Coventry City midfielder Kasey Palmer both paused their respective games last Saturday after they were subjected to racist gestures and shouts from the stands. Maignan and his team walked off the pitched before coming back and resuming the match. Football’s racism problem was again in the headlines.

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