More than 107,000 PPSN numbers issued to people from Ukraine

Data shows 24 per cent of those who came from Ukraine may have left the State

Ukrainian Action in Ireland organised for Ukrainians and supporters to mark the second anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

More than 107,000 Personal Public Service Numbers (PPSN) have been issued to people arriving in the State from Ukraine since March 2022.

A PPSN is a unique reference code needed for people to work, pay tax and in dealings with public service agencies.

According to the Central Statistics Office’s latest Arrivals from Ukraine in Ireland report, published on Monday, just 76 per cent of those who arrived since Russia invaded Ukraine had activity linked to their PPSNs, which covers accommodation, social welfare, tax, education and training.

The remaining 24 per cent had no data linked to their numbers and may have left the State, the CSO said.

Number of arrivals from Ukraine in Ireland based on PPSN allocations. Graphic: CSO

The data shows women and men aged 20 years and over made up 46 per cent and 23 per cent respectively of those who came to Ireland and were issued with PPSNs. Those aged under 20 years accounted for 30 per cent. Of all arrivals to date aged 18 and over, 62 per cent of males and 48 of women were married or cohabiting.

Of 44,214 people who attended an Intreo employment and training event, with 58 per cent, or 25,532 people, noted English language proficiency was a challenge in securing employment. Of the 29,646 people where the highest level of education was recorded, 61 per cent had achieved an internationally recognised National Framework Qualification equivalent to level seven (bachelor’s degree) or higher.

There were 17,808 arrivals enrolled in further education and training courses on June 1st, of which 15,283 were taking part in further education English language courses.

Arrivals from Ukraine (based on PPSN allocations) as a percentage of the Census 2022 de facto population. Graphic: CSO

CSO statistician Laura Carter said the data covered 76 per cent of those who had arrived from Ukraine. Data for the remaining 24 per cent was not available, an indication that they may have left the country, she said.

Ms Carter said the CSO had produced two maps of the dispersal of those from Ukraine in Ireland. The first map is a count of arrivals by local electoral area, and the second is the rate of arrivals by local electoral area. Kenmare in Co Kerry had the highest number of associated arrivals from Ukraine at 2,844.

The analysis shows that the rate of arrivals per 100 of the population ranges across all local electoral area, from 0.28 per cent to 12.38 per cent in Ennistimon, Co Clare.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist