Cliffs of Moher search for boy (12) continues

The operation is due to resume from around 11am, the Irish Coast Guard confirmed

An abandoned buggy on the unprotected cliff edge, beside a 700-foot drop, on the Cliffs of Moher walking trail. Photograph: Andrew Hamilton

The search for a young boy reported missing in the vicinity of the Cliffs of Moher in Co Clare on Tuesday will continue later on Friday, in what the Irish Coast Guard has now described as a “recovery operation”.

The operation is due to resume from around 11am, the Irish Coast Guard confirmed this morning.

A land, air and sea search was mounted at around 2pm on Tuesday after the young boy, believed to be 12 years old, was reported missing by his family who are understood to be visiting from overseas.

It’s thought that the boy had become separated from his family who then tried to find him. When there was no sign of the child, they returned to the visitor centre and alerted staff there.


Cliffs of Moher: Search for missing boy follows two recent tragedies at world famous siteOpens in new window ]

Gardaí were alerted initially while the Irish Coast Guard was also requested to mobilise resources to assist with a search.

In a statement on Thursday, the Coast Guard offered its condolences to “the family and all affected by this tragedy”.

“We continue to support a Garda operation to recover the body of a young boy who had fallen at the Cliffs of Moher,” it said.

The Coast Guard Rescue Coordination Centre in Valentia coordinated a search on Wednesday conducted by Doolin Coast Guard Unit using boats, drones and cliff top searching and Coast Guard helicopter R115. The helicopter team carried out a search on shore and at sea.

An extensive search was also conducted by the Garda water unit, with support from the Doolin Coast Guard boat team.

The search resumed on Thursday when conditions permitted, with support again from the Valentia Rescue Coordination Centre and search teams from Doolin and Cleggan Coast Guard Units carrying out drone and cliff top searches.

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns is a reporter for The Irish Times