Have your say: What is your view on changes to the church proposed by Irish Catholics?

What changes would you like to see in the Catholic Church? Share your view in the form in this article

The proposals outlined in the document sent to Rome were based on reports prepared by all 26 Catholic dioceses on the island of Ireland following widespread consultations. Photograph: Christian Hartmann/Reuters

Irish Catholics have called for radical changes in the church: from the removal of the mandatory celibacy rule for priests, to a more inclusive attitude towards people from the LGBTI+ community.

The demands outlined in the National Synthesis document sent to Rome, were based on reports prepared by all 26 Catholic dioceses on the island of Ireland following widespread consultations. The submission is part of preparations for a Synod of Bishops called by Pope Francis for October 2023.

In the document, Irish Catholics call for radical change in the church’s dealings with women, up to and including ordination to the priesthood. It also calls for major changes in its treatment of LGBTI+ people, divorced and remarried people, single parents and other marginalised groups.

Do you have an opinion on these proposals? If so, you can share your views in the form below. A selection of the submissions will be published in The Irish Times.


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