
A weekly guide to going out, staying in and generally living the life.

A weekly guide to going out, staying in and generally living the life.

history and culture

The National Museum of Ireland has pulled out all the stops this summer, between the bog bodies in Kildare Street (right), creepy crawlies in Merrion Street and creative photography in Collins Barracks (www.museum.ie). It's now Celtic Spirit Culture Week on Inis Mór, another place to get in touch with your Celtic past. Discover ancient rituals, myths and legends with Celtic heritage scholars. See www.irish-culture.ch or call 099-61424.



Today at the NCH and Iveagh Gardens, World Routes will be featuring performances by Mali's Toumani Diabaté (left), The Bad Plus and jazz pianist Michel Camilo (www.nch.ie, 01-4170000). This evening at 8pm, Ballykeeffe Amphitheatre in Co Kilkenny hosts Inspired By Mozart, a musical journey to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the master's birth, featuring some of his finest compositions (www.artsireland.com).

art and literature

The Gerard Manley Hopkins Festival is well respected in literary circles. This year lectures and workshops run from today until Friday. Art is also on the agenda with work by artists Brian Bourke, Ed Novane, John Behan, Benedict Byrne, Michael Sheerin and Margaret Becker all featuring in exhibitions throughout the week. For further information, see www.gerardmanleyhopkins.org.


The Boyle Arts Festival is under way and runs until next Friday, bringing drama, music, visual arts, workshops and children's events to Roscommon. The week of festivities closes with a colourful carnival (www.boylearts.com, 071-9663085). In Waterford, is the pre-Spraoi festival for five- to eight-year-olds. Now in it's seventh year, it offers children theatre, dance and other workshops in the heart of Waterford city ( 051-877153).


Tomorrow the annual Clare Island Regatta sets sail. Events include men's and women's currach racing, yawl racing, beach tug-of-war as well as traditional music (www.clareisland.org). The Wicklow Regatta, meanwhile, is 127 years old, and from Friday, Wicklow town will be awash with activities such as archery, abseiling, raft racing and a fireworks display on the Sunday, August 6th (www.wicklowregatta.net).


The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players (left) play the Sugar Club on Thursday night. Dad Jason plays guitar, piano and sings, daughter Rachel plays the drums and sings while mum Tina runs the eclectic slideshow (www.thesugarclub.com). Our own Gavin Friday, meanwhile, presents his new show Tomorrow Belongs To Me in two rare live performances at Liberty Hall on Thursday and Friday (www.centralticketbureau.com).