Aisling McDermott on Beauty: The wonders of a good facial oil

You’ll be amazed by the difference the right facial oil can make

‘Irish women love rosehip oils with good reason; they are great for all skin types, moisturise due to a high concentration of essential fatty acids and can help to clear up scars, spots and blemishes.’ Photograph: Thinkstock

Facial oils are among those products that everyone thinks they do not need until they start using them and are amazed by the difference they make to their skin.

I had a heated discussion with a friend recently; she was fed up with her dry skin and the fact that her new expensive moisturiser was not making any difference. I

t was obvious that it was dehydrated and I knew there was a quick fix: I suggested she use an oil. She was incredulous at the very thought and insisted she just needed a better moisturiser. In quite a huffy manner, I might add. That was the end of that.

However, the next time I saw her, she casually slipped it into the conversation that she had bought some rosehip oil. Ha, I thought triumphantly to myself. I already knew she had, as I could clearly see that the little patch of dry skin on her forehead and the tiny lines under her eyes were gone.


Facial oils are wonderful for dry skin and a good quality oil will be naturally rich in fatty acids and antioxidants and will instantly soften your skin. Most oils are blends and work in different ways so do not assume they are all only for dry skin..

Argan Oil is a very good moisturising ingredient as it has a high concentration of fatty acids and vitamin E, and is perfect for age support. I like Naturelle Pure Argan Elixir and Nourish Argan Skin Rescue.

Certain luxury brands are famous for their oils and they have refined the art of blending to a fine art. Browse the lists of oils on the Darphin and Decleor sites to find oils for every skin concern.

Other luxury oils that have stood the test of time are Clarins Blue Orchid Oil and Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Oil, while Johnny-come-latelies such as Nude are giving even these classics a run for their money.

The best mid-price oils I have used come from Una Brennan Vitamin C and Boots Botanics and there is an even cheaper alternative you might like.

Open your kitchen cupboard. Olive and coconut oils are rich natural moisturisers, but be warned, they are only really suitable for very dry skin.

Although it seems counterintuitive, do not write off facial oils if your skin is oily, as they can calm it down and stop it from panicking and over producing sebum. Just make sure you use the right type of oil: Dr Hauschka Normalizing Day Oil is ideal, as are most rosehip oil blends.

Irish women love rosehip oils with good reason; they are great for all skin types, moisturise due to a high concentration of essential fatty acids and can help to clear up scars, spots and blemishes. Pai, Trilogy and Kinvara (which is a great oil/serum hybrid) all make good rosehip oils.

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