Have your say: Have you tried botox, fillers or ultherapy?

Non-invasive cosmetic procedures are on the rise. We want to hear from readers who have used them

Were you happy with the results, and would you do it again? Photograph: iStock

The use of non-invasive cosmetic procedures is on the rise. If you are under the age of 35 and have tried a non-invasive cosmetic procedure (e.g. botox, fillers, ultherapy etc), or regularly use non-invasive cosmetic procedures, The Irish Times would like to hear about your experiences - positive, negative or neutral - for a feature article.

What drew you to that particular procedure? What was your experience of the procedure itself? Were you happy with the results, and why? Would you do it again?

You can share your experience using this form. Ideally, we would like responders to happy to share their name, and be open to being photographed for the feature.

Thank you.