‘Slap it on like Bette Davis’: Joanna Lumley’s mature make-up advice

The actor was in Sligo recently for Yeats 150. We caught up with her and asked for her make-up and beauty tips

Joanna Lumley: ‘See your face in natural light, otherwise like me you’ll look like a cadaver or a tomato.’ Photograph: Brian Farrell

Favourite lipstick: "I've been a model, and you have to know how to make a good colour yourself. I'm terrified of those expensive make-up counters in department stores. I'm an artist and I paint, so I see make-up as my box of colours."

The best moisturiser: "Astral, from the chemist in a little blue pot. It's been everywhere with me from Nepal to the Sahara to Mongolia."

Must-have hair product: My hair is hopelessly dry, and Vitapointe makes it glossy. It's hard to find so I get it on eBay.

Best tip for make-up as we age: Slap it on like Bette Davis. See your face in natural light, otherwise like me you'll look like a cadaver or a tomato. Do what makes you happy. Be kind to people. Nothing is more beautiful than a smile.


Top skincare tip: Take an old soft toothbrush, soap and water, and gently stroke your face. It stimulates the cells. Use any soap. Whatever's by the sink.

  • Email your beauty tips, tricks, must-haves, secrets, products of yore and up-to-the-minute recommendations to beauty@irishtimes.com