Want smooth skin? Here's a ‘natural’ facemask used by Victoria Beckham

I spent a few evenings trying face masks and quickly realised that I have been missing out.

The application and removal of a facemask doesn’t just solve your skin woes, it also provides the perfect excuse to slow down and take some time to yourself. The perfect combination really. Photograph: Jonathan Storey/Getty Images

I’ve always been really bad at facemasks. They aren’t something I ever considered an essential part of my beauty routine, and if it’s not essential it usually falls to the sideline. Recently however, I’ve been converted.

After a series of late nights, crap food and probably not drinking enough water (who ever drinks enough water?), my skin was looking grey, dehydrated and a bit spotty. I decided that it was time to try something different.

My skin needed more than just the usual scrub and make-up free day I give it if feeling under the weather. So I spent a few evenings trying face masks and quickly realised that I have been missing out.

The application and removal of a facemask doesn’t just solve your skin woes, it also provides the perfect excuse to slow down and take some time to yourself. The perfect combination really.


I originally gave a “natural” facemask a go by mashing and mixing together avocado, honey and coconut oil (half an avocado, two tablespoons of honey and two teaspoons of coconut oil).

Rehydrate skin

This mask, apparently used by Victoria Beckham, is said to rehydrate skin and my skin certainly felt smooth afterwards, but I will admit to slight revulsion at the whole process. And honestly, I find it difficult to picture Ms Beckham applying the lumpy brown mess that I made to her lovely face.

Next I decided a sheet mask was something I had to try. I’ve seen them worn by various bloggers and celebrities posing on social media, and despite their frightening appearance I’m never one to ignore a beauty bandwagon.

The particular sheet mask I was recommended was SK-11 Facial Treatment Mask but on googling the price tag (€86 for six) I decided to try something a little cheaper for my first time.

I bought Masque Bar Brightening Sheet Mask in Boots at the rather more affordable price of three for €13.49. I wore the mask for the recommended 30 minutes at home, and did the obligatory frightening of the boyfriend.

The result? The boyfriend was nonplussed. But the mask, that was meant to leave skin radiant and complexion even, was slightly disappointing.

It felt refreshing and I can see how a sheet mask might lock in more moisture than a cream.

But I felt slightly claustrophobic with it on and like my skin couldn’t breathe (perhaps this is something that comes with the SK-11 mask). Once my bank balance recovers I will get back to you on that one.