Style Ikon
The chic online shop has opened a store at 18a The Crescent, Monkstown, Co Dublin
Calling home
Back from abroad for Christmas and remembering friends' landline numbers (even if said phones now defunct)

Christmas hearts
The charity single Christmas Is In Your Heart for the Peter McVerry Trust featuring Conor O'Brien of the Villagers, Fight Like Apes' MayKay and more
Instagram #therealpan
BOD and others reimagined through graffiti art with stickers
Colin Barrett
Winner of the 2014 Guardian First Book Award, the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature and the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award. All hail the Stinging Fly for championing this national treasure
Seasonal smugness
Opening last year's Christmas lights to discover you wrapped them up neatly without a knot in sight. Ho ho ho
Pedestrian 'plaza' at College Green?
Let's just call it straight and say Dublin city centre is a car-free zone, okay?
Depleted bank balance
It's a long December – even if you do have all the presents sorted
Google Glass
Costs €1,000. Looks plain weird. Where would you be going?
New Year's Eve pressure
It's the same thing every year. What to do? Where to go? Everywhere booked up. Watch Sydney fireworks on TV?
Christmas cake
Does anyone actually enjoy eating it? Once the icing has been peeled off, obviously...