Heidi Higgins dressed for success

Heidi Higgins, always the best advertisement for her own designs, is celebrating her Portlaoise boutique's fifth year. Last year she garnered the Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award and Best Established Business in Laois. There's a light-hearted look to her latest dresses with their butterfly-print bodices in silk satin and sugar-pink lamé skirts. Other items are sprinkled with crystal or embossed with daisies while her palette is like a list of ingredients: cream, strawberry, berries and orange blossom. See her collection at 42 Grattan Street , Portlaoise, Brown Thomas and boutiques nationwide.

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Deirdre McQuillan

Deirdre McQuillan

Deirdre McQuillan is Irish Times Fashion Editor, a freelance feature writer and an author