Prone to frizzy hair? A shower cap is your best friend

Sudden Wild Enthusiasms: Dilly Daydream Shower caps

Dilly Daydream Shower caps are patterned with flamingos or leopard print or whatever you’re having

I hate, hate, hate getting wet. My idea of torment is a “long soak in a hot bath”.

I hasten to add that I do actually have a shower every day. Miserable though they make me, I’m aware that I live in a community, which gives me duties as well as privileges.

But what regular readers may not know about is the very complicated relationship I have with my hair. Basically I am Samson: my hair is the source of all my strength.

It is both my closest friend and my worst enemy. If my hair is in bad form, my day is marred. And because my tresses (worst word ever) are prone to the accursed frizz, my hair is frequently in bad form. The frizz is like a chugger – it can appear out of nowhere, at a moment’s notice.


It’s all to do with moisture; even a drop of it in the vicinity and suddenly I’m transformed into Sideshow Bob.

However, whatever fiendish jiggery-pokery happens during a professional blow-dry, my hair becomes meek and biddable: as a result, they are my greatest luxury. If I was rich like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk, I would – naturally – do many, many good works with all my lolly. But I would also ask a kindly non-judgey lady to come to my house every single day of my life and blow-dry my hair.

But I am not Jeff Bezos, so when I’m lucky enough to have a blow-dry, I do all in my power to protect it for as long as possible.

This is where Dilly Daydream Shower caps come in. (The name – I'm sorry. It's a bit sappy, but it's memorable.)

And they really do have beautiful shower caps, one for every personality. Patterned with flamingos or leopard print or whatever you’re having, they’re very cheery. Their size is excellent – capacious enough for even the biggest head of hair – and they’re machine-washable. As for the elastic, it’s pleasantly snug without shutting off the circulation to the upper parts of my head.

Honestly, my panda-patterned cap is such a good friend to me.

However, a shower cap can do more than just shield your hair from moisture. This is called off-label usage. A second shower cap lives in my kitchen, in the same drawer as the fish slice and the purple, bendy spatula. It is decorated with flamingos and it is a godsend when I have to cook strong-smelling food (like rashers, say) on the same day I’ve had one of my precious blow-dries.

A friend indeed.