I’m assuming your legs are hair-free so the next step is to smooth the skin by exfoliating. This removes all that dead, flaky skin to reveal a uniform base for colour. There is a myriad of body scrubs out there, or you can make your own with a mixture of olive oil and sea salt.
I can’t be bothered, so I just use my Japanese Wash Cloth (€25 from spacenk) daily with whatever body wash happens to be in the shower. I love it because its flexible texture is the business for sloughing away old skin, plus the tingling sensation as it works is a real morning wake-up call.
Next, the all-important moisturiser and tint; a good regime is to use both a body cream and a gradual tanner. Dove Summer Glow is terrific and well- priced but stick to the the fair to medium shade. Used on alternate days, it builds up beautifully to a believable colour; this is perfect for legs as the combination of exfoliating and gradual tanning layer up subtly.
On the other day, use the richest moisturiser you can afford, your newly smooth skin will drink it in.

So now you’ve got a base and who knew your legs could look this good? You could leave it there and flaunt a tanned ankle with confidence, but you can also up the ante with more colour. Layer up with a self-tan such as
St Tropez
– the mousse is easy to spread – Au courent, or X-en tan. Each has an olive-green base so you don’t get a whiff of oompa-lumpa orange. At first they all look far too dark but a little goes a long way and the colour lightens as you spread it. Use a mitt and avoid knees, heels and ankles – just give them a cursory swipe at the end.
For that “I’m just going out the door and my skin needs a lift” tan,
Rimmel’s Sunshim
is still the one to beat. Again, don’t forget that mitt when applying.

A powder bronzer such as
me’s Star bro
nzer ,
€45, will also give a last-minute golden glow. I find it particularly good on ankles and feet as you won’t have overdone the tan there.
Finally, everyone’s legs look better with a bit of sheen.
Clarins Splendours Shimmer Body Oil (left),
€37, will have them ready to step it out in no time.