Trends are intransigent and fleeting. They will never change and will disappear before you know it. To wit, the slogan T-shirt. Ever since the glory days of Katharine Hamnett's "58% don't want Pershing" T-shirt, which she wore at an event with then British prime minister (and Pershing missile harbourer) Margaret Thatcher in 1984, passive-aggressive slogan T-shirts have been popping their necklines over the fashion parapet, then popping them back down.
Slogan T-shirts do what British and Irish people can’t: say what we really mean. While some of us are more comfortable than others at leaving pointed notes on the fridge about noise levels on a Saturday night, it’s probably best to say it loud, or at the very least, say it with a loud item of clothing.
(L-R) Filles a Papa, €45, (sale price) at Like Bey, $14 (sale price) at T-shirt by Moschino, €165, at T-shirt from Penneys, €8