Q I'm a man in my early 30s and have three weddings coming up before Christmas. What's an acceptable suit-shoe colour combination? I'm tall, relatively slim and have a navy, single-breasted suit that I trot out for every ceremony. I have worn it with brown, black and grey brogues and have been slagged off at the bar for my shoe choice every time. Pete, Co Galway
A There is a distinct possibility that people are only harassing your shoe choice because your life is so brilliant that what you wear on your feet is the only thing that people can find fault with. Let's just strike that one off the board. There is also a possibility that, due to our delightful and unique Irishness, and by merit of your suit being neither black nor that weird shiny grey material that many men your age seem to wear at weddings, you have developed "notions" and need to be squarely taken down a peg or two for your sartorial choices.
Navy is a deceptively hard colour to match shoes with, and your devotion to brogues makes it even more of a challenge. Go with navy and you run the risk of looking like you’re wearing a formal onesie. Black can look a little off. Grey is brave, as wearing a shoe colour lighter than the suit can make your feet stand out – you might as well be wearing bowling shoes (although, on a side note, red and blue bowling shoes would probably look great with your suit at the kind of wedding where cocktails are served in jam jars).
Brown is your best bet, but a proper, deep, chestnut brown. None of this half-hearted, is-it-brown-or-is-it-tan business. A deep oxblood-coloured brogue will also make a contrast without being too obtrusive, and will really set off the navy.
Email your wardrobe woes to wardrobing@irishtimes.com
(L-R) Maine brogue, €105, available at Debenhams. Brown brogues by Loake, €309, available at Debenhams. Burgundy brogues by Shoe the Bear, €191, available at Asos.com