Wear It Out: complete style from an eclectic palette

Student Belle Bradley gathers her look from vintage, high street, friends and family

Belle Bradley at Trinity: wearing BDG jeans from Urban Outfitters, earrings from Folkster and a jacket from Nine Crows

This week we met up with Belle Bradley. History student in Trinity by day, waitress in Fade Street Social by night, she tells us about her January style picks and what she’s most looking forward to for 2017

Tell us about what you're wearing
Some BDG jeans, a blouse and a cute little bra I found in Urban Outfitters. I picked up my shoes and earrings in Folkster. My jacket, which I have been wearing religiously for the past three years, is a vintage find from Nine Crows. The Gucci sunnies were a gift from my ever generous mum.

Describe your style
I would describe my style as an eclectic mix of begging borrowing and buying from Urban Outfitters. Some of my favourite things are bits and pieces discarded by friends, family and strangers. Others are from the usual brands like Weekday or Cos. I'm influenced strongly by what I see walking around the city, in college and in the wardrobes of my fabulous friends.

What are you most looking forward to for 2017?
I'm finishing up a four-year stint studying history in Trinity this semester so I'm eagerly and anxiously awaiting my (at this point potential) graduation. After that I'm applying for a masters in global history in Berlin so I'm excited about the prospect of a big move in 2017.


Photographs: Katie McLaughlin Robinson