Wear it out: How to break away from black and add a touch of glamour

Gemma Collins had a chat with us this week about how the little touches that can really make an outfit

Gemma Collins had a chat with us this week about breaking away from black clothes, and the little touches that can really make an outfit.

Saving up to go travelling for a few months means buying new clothes is low on Collins’s priority list. But a good bargain can be hard to pass up, and even one new item can breath fresh air into your wardrobe.

Tell us about your outfit today?

I’m wearing Nine Crows sunglasses. I love a good cat’s eye, it makes me feel a little glam. They were €18. My necklace, I found in my jewellery box. I got it when I was young, and it was probably gifted to me. I think it’s a sandal. I’m not exactly sure, but people keep believing the sandal thing, so I’ll keep going with that.


My earrings are from a market in Berlin, they where something like €3. I love picking things up at markets, they always feel a little bit more special. I got my leather jacket on Asos.

It was a good while ago, so I can’t remember the exact price, but I remember thinking ‘I have to have it at that price’, so I nabbed it immediately. I would say it was around the €30 mark, and I like it because it brightens up my usual all-black outfits.

My top is from H&M and was €12. It’s black, oversized and comfortable. My jeans are TopShop Jamie jeans. I have about four pairs of these, but I seem to have grabbed the most faded ones this morning. These are my go-to for comfort, and if I’m not wearing these, you’ll probably catch me wearing a pair of black Levi’s.

I got my runners in Boston last November, when I was visiting my brother. They definitely have them here and I think I paid around $100. A holiday treat. Again, they’re black, so they go with everything in my wardrobe.

How would you describe your personal style?

I would describe my personal style as casual with a bit of structure. Colour-wise, mostly black with a little bit of white and grey thrown in.

What are you most looking forward to this summer?

There's lots happening this summer that I am looking forward to, but if I have to choose, I think it would be bringing The Game, a show we made for the Dublin Theatre Festival in 2015, to Brisbane at the end of the summer. I am hoping to stay on and travel around Australia and south east Asia, providing I save enough before then.

Photographs: Katie McLoughlin Robinson