Want to be up to date with Ireland's fashion goings on? Dying to be 'in the know' about flash sales, the latest collection or who is wearing what? We've taken the work out of twitter and are providing you with a list of the top fashion tweeters in Ireland right now. These are the bloggers, stylists, photographers, models and 'fashion people' to follow.
1) Peter O'Brien @Peter_Obrien
Fashion designer Peter O'Brien's collections are covetable and classic, and his twitter stream is much the same.

Funny drawings from back in '81 when I was obviously in thrall to some odd form of New Romanticism <a href="http://t.co/x4ufZRLilI">pic.twitter.com/x4ufZRLilI</a>
2) Laura Whitmore @thewhitmore
Worth following for her endlessly photographed outfit choices alone, Wicklow native Whitmore rose to fame through a competition to become an MTV presenter. Since then she has presented many Irish and international TV programmes (we'll glide over the IFTA's) and last year, she was the face of the Dublin Fashion Festival.
Wearing vintage Stevie Nicks jumper <a href="https://twitter.com/katiemullally">@katiemullally</a> necklace <a href="https://twitter.com/PaigeDenim">@paigedenim</a> jeans today on mtvuk <a href="http://t.co/MfAqSkpzqy">http://t.co/MfAqSkpzqy</a>
3) Leanne Woodfull @LeanneWoodfull
Expect alternative fashion, food and funny tweets from Woodfull, who also runs the blog Thunder and Threads focusing on fashion and beauty.
New <a href="https://twitter.com/Topshop">@Topshop</a> shoes <a href="http://t.co/XLgGKoJPGs">pic.twitter.com/XLgGKoJPGs</a>
4) Louise Kennedy @1louisekennedy
The Grand Dame of Irish fashion, Louise Kennedy, who recently celebrated 30 years designing, has dressed women from Sabina Higgins, to Elizabeth Taylor, to Beyonce and is about to make a big move to New York. Don't expect bathroom selfies, rather an elegant take on life behind the scenes.
Summer collection packed and heading to <a href="https://twitter.com/GraceBelgravia">@GraceBelgravia</a>. Thrilled to be hosting lunch in this beautiful spa. <a href="http://t.co/83yb3b5EhO">pic.twitter.com/83yb3b5EhO</a>
5) Sinead Burke @minniemelange
Former alternative Miss Ireland, Sinead likes 'to gab about fashion and pop culture' and with 18,400 tweets she is doing it rather well.
The <a href="https://twitter.com/V_and_A">@V_and_A</a> are hosting <a href="https://twitter.com/WorldMcQueen">@WorldMcQueen</a>'s 'Savage Beauty' exhibition in March 2015. (I'm deliriously excited!) <a href="http://t.co/jkwPcV9gh5">pic.twitter.com/jkwPcV9gh5</a>
6) Angela Scanlon @AngelaScanlon
Vogue named Angela 'one to watch' in 2013 and quoted her as being known for her 'humour, directness, and upbeat cheerfulness.' Her tweets reflect just that, along with lots of looks into her frankly, fab, freebie-filled life.
My favourite kind of parcel!! Thanks <a href="https://twitter.com/folkster_com">@folkster_com</a> <a href="http://t.co/pFhXbgHt7H">pic.twitter.com/pFhXbgHt7H</a>
7) Emma Manley @EmmaManley
Designer Manley interned with Alexander McQueen before she launched her own line in 2010, now featured in Brown Thomas. Follow her for sneak peeks from her new collections as well as general fashion news.
And tonight we're doing this in the <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Manley&src=hash">#Manley</a> studio!!!! Hello <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23SS15&src=hash">#SS15</a> !!!! <a href="http://t.co/b3HqeNXq4i">pic.twitter.com/b3HqeNXq4i</a>
8) Rosemary Mac Cabe @RosemaryMacCabe
Stylist and fashion journalist Mac Cabe, previously of The Irish Times 'fash mob', is now editor of Dreamwedding. Rosemary is a bit like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get, which makes for a great twitter profile.
Hair styling and lip gloss - two style choices you'll regret today! <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23wind&src=hash">#wind</a>
9) Lorna Weightman @styleisleIRL
A self confessed twitter addict and former accountant, Weightman blogs from Style Isle and is a font of insider Irish fashion knowledge.
I'll be on <a href="https://twitter.com/IrelandAMTV3">@IrelandAMTV3</a> tomorrow morning with a selection of gifts & accessories from the <a href="https://twitter.com/KilkennyShop">@KilkennyShop</a> 6 day sale! Sale is on now!
10) Conor Clinch @ConorClinch
At only 18 years old fashion photographer Clinch has already shot for Topman and Diet Coke, graced the pages of vouge.com and been interviewed on The Late Late Show. The Gloss magazine have dubbed him 'the one to watch in fashion documentation', if that isn't reason to follow him...
Today I'm in the studio with <a href="https://twitter.com/CocoSmithStyle">@CocoSmithStyle</a> shooting some festival accessories looks for <a href="https://twitter.com/PARFOIS_">@PARFOIS_</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hunterprdublin">@hunterprdublin</a>
Missed someone? Tweet me your favourite fashion tweeters @BobbleheadMo