A piece of Pi

The international standard date convention puts the month before the day and is typically used by citizens of the US.

The international standard date convention puts the month before the day and is typically used by citizens of the US.

This allows American mathematics enthusiasts to declare today, 3/14, Pi Day. Pi is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Pi = 3.1415926535, and is a number beloved of number-lovers everywhere, including such luminaries as Archimedes and Leonardo da Vinci. If you'd like to mark the occasion you could purchase a copy of David Blatner's Joy of Pi(Penguin Press Science) and enjoy Pi trivia, Pi-inspired cartoons, poems, limericks, and jokes, as well as learning the value of Pi to the first one million digits. Alternatively you could buy, bake or consume a pie, such as the one pictured.