Australia says YES! Have your say on marriage equality vote

Are you proud of the country today? What is the mood like? Are you personally affected?

epa06329949 People celebrate after watching the same sex marriage vote result announcement during a picnic held by the Equality Campaign at Prince Regent Park in Sydney, Australia, 15 November 2017. Australians have given same-sex marriage their approval with a 61.6 per cent ‘yes’ vote in a voluntary survey. EPA/DAVID MOIR AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT

Australia has followed Ireland in voting in favour of legalising same-sex marriage with by 61.6 per cent to 38.4 per cent, in a postal survey of 16 million registered voters. The vote had a bigger turnout than the Brexit referendum and US presidential election at 79.5 per cent.

The Irish Times is inviting readers, particularly the Irish in Australia and Australians in Ireland, to share their reaction to the results using the form below. Are you proud of the country today? Did you vote or campaign? Are you personally affected by the vote? What is the mood like in Australia today? Are you involved in teh celebrations? The parliament will vote by December on legislation to lift the prohibition on gay marriage. Are you confident it will pass?

Please include a photograph of you, or the celebrations around you, and include a few lines about you - where you are from originally, where you are living now.

Australians were asked to vote in the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey whether the current laws should allow same-sex marriage. Photograph: Cole Bennetts/Getty Images
Celebrations begin outside the State library of Victoria for the outcome of the Same Sex Marriage vote, Melbourne. Photograph: EPA

A selection of responses will be published online later on Wednesday.

Australians celebrated as the country voted overwhelmingly for same-sex marriage, paving the way for legislation by the end of 2017. Australia will become the 26th nation to formalise the unions if the legislation is passed. Video: Reuters

Thank you.