Have your say: What can the diaspora do for Ireland?

And what should Ireland do for the diaspora? What would you like to see discussed at the Global Irish Economic Forum?

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan and Minister of State for the Diaspora Jimmy Deenihan will be hosting the Global Irish Economic Forum in Dublin Castle this weekend.

The fourth Global Irish Economic Forum kicks off today with regional meetings around the country, before a two-day think-in in Dublin Castle begins tomorrow.

When the first GIEF was held in 2009, the country was in financial crisis. The gathering was an attempt to harness the experience and ideas of “influential members of the global Irish community”, in an effort to boost a flailing Irish economy.

Much has changed over the past six years, and the focus of this year's forum, according to Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan, "is firmly on sustaining and strengthening our robust economic growth, complementing the range of Government initiatives in place to support entrepreneurs and assist businesses to set up and to scale up".

Mr Flanagan says the Irish diaspora can still make “a meaningful contribution to Ireland’s economic recovery”.


Ideas arising out of previous forums include the Gathering, the Farmleigh Fellowship scheme, WorldIrish.com, and the recently abandoned Certificate of Irish Heritage initiative.

What do you think? What can the diaspora do for Ireland? And what should Ireland be doing for the diaspora in return? What would you like to see discussed at the Global Irish Economic Forum over the weekend? Do you have any smart ideas that you think the Government should adopt? Have your say in the comments section below.