Irish abroad: Tell us about your favourite nosh

We want to hear about your top dish, food items and recipes from where you live now

What’s your favourite local dish? Photograph: Aly Song/Reuters

Irish Times Food Month kicks off next week, and we want to hear from our readers abroad about the nosh they love where they live now.

Has your diet changed a lot since leaving Ireland? What exotic or strange foods could you no longer live without?

Above all, we want to hear about your ultimate favourite dish, product or food item from where you live. Tell us what’s in it, why you love it, and where’s the best place to get it - be it fresh from the local market, hot off a particular street cart, or from your neighbourhood café or restaurant.

If you’ve learned to make the dish at home yourself, why not share the recipe?


Email your submissions to with Food Month in the subject line. The best ones will be published on throughout November.