Have your say: Has the cancelled Ryanair strike changed your view of the airline?

The Irish Times wants to hear from readers due to travel over Christmas

If you are due to fly with Ryanair next Wednesday, are you making alternative arrangements? Photograph: Getty Images

Ryanair pilots have called off a planned strike action due to take place on Wednesday. But many passengers who had tickets to fly on the day will have already made alternative arrangements.

The Irish Times would like to hear from readers affected. Are you relieved that the  strike has been cancelled? Did you purchase flights with another airline or transport service? Are you out of pocket as a result? Has the dispute changed your perception of Ryanair?

You can contribute using the form above. A photograph of you is optional. If you are living abroad, don’t forget to tell us where you are living, how long you have been there and what you do.

A selection of contributions may be used in our reporting in print and/or online. Thank you.