Have your say: Should emigrants get a vote in presidential elections?

Taoiseach announces a referendum will be held on issue during visit to US

Do you agree that emigrants should have a vote for the president while living overseas?

Following a long campaign by emigrant representatives, the Taoiseach has announced that a referendum will be held on granting the vote to emigrants in Irish presidential elections.Speaking during his visit to the US, Enda Kenny said the decision by Cabinet "is a profound recognition of the importance that Ireland attaches to all of our citizens, wherever they may be".

The referendum will be limited to the issue of a vote in presidential elections only, and not in local or general elections, or referendums.

Whether you are living overseas or in Ireland, we want to hear your views.

Do you agree that emigrants should have a vote for the president while living overseas? Do you think it should be limited to a certain time after leaving, or forever? Does this announcement go far enough, ie should the vote also be extended to referendums and general elections?


Send your response (300 words max) to abroad@irishtimes.com, with a few lines about yourself. A photo is optional.