Have your say: What should Leo Varadkar say to Donald Trump at the White House?

As the annual St Patrick’s Day visit looms, we want to hear from readers

US president Donald Trump congratulated Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on his election last June by phone Oval Office. The two leaders will meet at the White House on Thursday for the annual bowl of shamrock presentation for St Patrick’s Day. Photograph: Carlos Barria/Reuters

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar will meet US president Donald Trump at the White House on Thursday, for the traditional St Patrick's Day visit. On the same day last year, Enda Kenny made world headlines for his speech on the value of immigrants, with more than 30 million people watching the video online. The issues faced by tens of thousands of Irish people living in the US without legal residency are likely to feature in the Oval Office discussions this year.

Irish Times Abroad would like to hear from readers about what they think Varadkar should say to Trump this year.

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