Returned emigrants: Share your experiences of moving home

Recently returned to Ireland? We want to hear about the highs and lows

Don’t forget to tell us a little about yourself - where you were living abroad, for how long, your occupation, when you returned and to what county and with who.

The Government has received 30 recommendations on how to make the move home easier for returning Irish emigrants. The Indecon report, commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs, has advised policy changes on a range of issues, including car insurance costs, school places, third-level fees, access to mortgages, among others. Read a summary of the full list here.

If you have recently returned to live in Ireland, Irish Times Abroad would like to hear from you. What were the biggest barriers you faced on your return? What surprised you? What do you think of the recommendations in this report? Is there anything else the Government should do to make it easier for emigrants to move back home? Or do you think it is not the Government’s responsibility?

You can share your experiences and opinions (max 400 words) using this form. Please attach a photograph of yourself if you have one.

Don’t forget to tell us a little about yourself - where you were living abroad, for how long, your occupation, when you returned and to what county and with who (family, partner, alone), etc.


A selection of responses will be published in print and/or online this week.

Thank you.

Ciara Kenny

Ciara Kenny

Ciara Kenny, founding editor of Irish Times Abroad, a section for Irish-connected people around the world, is Editor of the Irish Times Magazine