Irish abroad: Are you emerging from lockdown?

As some countries begin to lift restrictions, would like to hear from readers around the world

Families play in a park in Valladolid in Spain. Children were allowed out of their own homes for an hour per day for the first time after 44 days on Sunday. Photograph: Nacho Gallego/EPA

As some countries begin to lift restrictions and emerge from lockdown, The Irish Times would like to hear from readers around the world about their experiences.

Tell us about the lockdown where you live, and how the restrictions are being eased. What rules are still in place to contain the spread of Covid-19? Are you back at work? Are kids allowed out to play, or have schools re-opened? Are face masks mandatory? Are restaurants, bars, cafes and shops trading again, and how are they managing with social distancing?

You can share your observations and experiences using this form. Please attach a photograph if you have one that you think would be relevant, of you where you live, or of something you have observed.

A selection may be published in The Irish Times online and/or in print.


Thank you.