Irish abroad: How do you cope with winter in cold climates?

Frost spread across Ireland this week but we want to hear what it’s like to live in a properly cold place

How do plummeting temperatures and snowy and icy conditions affect your way of life in the winter?

Winter finally arrived in Ireland this week: the morning grass is frosty, breaths are cloudy and it is beginning to feel (a little bit) like Christmas.

The sudden cold has provided a talking point for the nation, but temperatures have still remained above zero for the most part. So we decided to ask our readers living in cooler climates what proper cold feels like.

What was your first cold winter like there? How do plummeting temperatures and snowy and icy conditions affect your way of life in the winter? How is it different to Ireland? What have you learned from the locals about coping with the cold? What tips would you give to others?

How do plummeting temperatures and snowy and icy conditions affect your way of life in the winter?

To contribute, fill out the form above. A photograph of you is a bonus. A selection will be published on next week.


Thank you, and stay warm!