Irish in America: How easy is it to buy a gun in your state?

What are your thoughts on gun control? We want to hear from readers

With so many citizens in love with their guns and defensive of their right under the Constitution to keep and bear arms, US politicians are reluctant to take on gun owners or the powerful gun lobby. Photograph: Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

Sunday night's mass shooting at a country music festival in Las Vegas, which left at least 59 people dead and 527 injured, has reignited debate over gun control in the US.

The state of Nevada has some of the most relaxed gun control laws in the country; there are no limits to the number of guns individuals are permitted to possess, including machine guns. The body of the shooter, Stephen Paddock, was found with at least 19 weapons by his side after he shot himself dead.

As the politically-charged issue of gun control once again comes to the fore, we want to hear from our readers living in the US. What gun laws are in place in the state you live in? How easy is it to purchase a firearm? Are they evident in day to day life? What are your opinions on gun control? What would you like to see change, if anything?

To contribute, send your observations and opinions (max 400 words) to A photograph of yourself is optional. A selection may be published online and/or in print. Thank you.