Irish in America: Should Enda Kenny visit this St Patrick’s Day?

What do the visits mean for Irish America? Do you think the Taoiseach should go?

Presenting a bowl of shamrock to the US president at the White House on St Patrick’s Day is an annual tradition. Photograph: Chris Kleponis/Reuters

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said he will meet US president Donald Trump in Washington to mark St Patrick's Day, despite increasing pressure to reject Mr Trump's invitation amid concern over policies he has introduced, particularly in relation to immigration, since his inauguration.

A spokesman said Mr Kenny will go ahead with the visit in order to “maintain the historically strong links between the Irish and American peoples”.

If you are living in the US, Irish Times Abroad wants to hear your view. What do you think of the annual St Patrick’s Day visit to the White House? What does the visit mean to you as an Irish person in America? Do you think it helps to “maintain the historically strong links”? Should Mr Kenny cancel his visit this year? Or is it more important than ever that he meets the US president?

Send your thoughts to including a few lines about you, and a photograph if you have one. A selection will be published on Thank you.