Irish in Australia: What's it like to work in the 'most successful rich economy'?

Is Australia the ‘most successful rich economy’ in the world? We want to hear from readers living there

The Australian economy has been growing for 27 years without a recession. Photograph: iStock/Getty Images

A recent cover story in the Economist holds out Australia as an example for the world. Incomes are rising, public debt is low, and the economy has been growing for 27 years without a recession. Half of the population are either immigrants or the children of immigrants.

The Irish Times would like to hear from Irish people living there about their experience of the country and its booming economy: what attracted you to live there? How do the career opportunities you've had there, and your future work prospects, compare to Ireland or other countries? How do salaries and cost of living compare? Would you describe it as one of the best countries in the world to live and/or work? If so, why, or if not, why not? Do you think the boom is sustainable? Are there regional variations? Are there any cracks appearing? Is there anything Ireland could learn from Australia's economy? Do you see your future in Australia or elsewhere, and is the economy there/in Ireland/elsewhere a factor in that decision?

You can share your story using this form (if you are viewing this in The Irish Times app, click Don't forget to tell us a little about your background - your age, where you are from originally, when you moved to Australia, where you live now and what you do. Please also attach a photograph of yourself that you think might be suitable, if you have one to share.

A selection of responses may be published as part of an upcoming feature on the Australian economy.


Thank you.