Irish in Britain: Has Brexit affected your plans to stay?

London is ‘haemorrhaging talent’, recruiters say. We want to hear from readers living there

What impact has Brexit had on your future plans to live and work in London?

Recruiters in London have warned that the city is "haemorrhaging talent"as a result of Britain's decision to leave the EU, with the number of people seeking jobs there down 33 per cent in the last year.

Irish Times Abroad would like to hear from Irish readers living in Britain, or those who have recently left. What impact has Brexit had on your future plans to live and work in Britain? If you are still there, do you feel insecure, or that your career prospects have changed? Are you considering leaving? If you have already moved on, was your decision prompted by Brexit? Or if you had planned to move to Britain to work, has Brexit changed your mind? How have the Irish people you know, or immigrants from other countries, been affected?

Share your experiences and opinions by emailing 400 words max to Please include a photograph of yourself, and a few lines about you, including your occupation, age, where you are from in Ireland and when you arrived in Britain. A selection may be published online or in print. Thank you.