Returning emigrants: What has the house-hunt been like?

Finding a Home at Home: Tell us about your experience of buying or renting

How did you go about your house-hunt? What advice do you have for others? Photograph: iStock/Getty Images

Applying for a mortgage can be a complex and costly affair for emigrants and those who have recently returned from abroad. If you're looking to buy a home here in Ireland, Fiona Reddan's how-to guide for emigrants has all you need to know about the mortgage application process, including what each of the main lenders require, and how their offers compare for overseas residents and recent returnees.

The article is the first in an Irish Times Abroad series on "Finding a home at home", which will continue online next week on We'll be examining what the market is like to rent or buy houses and apartments around the country, with special advice for those looking from abroad. The series will also feature readers' stories and feedback about home hunting, while still overseas or since returning.

If you would like to share your experience of applying for a mortgage from overseas, or buying a home or renting in Ireland on your return, email

How did you go about it? Was it easy or difficult? What advice would you have for others? Please include some background information about you, your emigration journey, your reasons for deciding to move back, and a photograph of you (outside or inside your new home, if you’ve had success!). A selection will be published online next week. Thank you.