Have your say: What are the barriers to returning to Ireland?

If you’ve returned to live here, what were the challenges? If you’d like to move back, what’s stopping you?

Encouraging emigrants to return to live in Ireland was one of the core strands of the Government’s Diaspora Policy, published earlier this year. Do you feel enough is being done to facilitate their return? What do you think could be done to better prepare people?

This weekend, The Irish Times will publish a new guide on returning to live in Ireland from abroad. In advance, we’re canvassing opinions from people who have already made the move “home”, or those who would like to in the future.

If you’re back living here, why did you decide to return? Did you do a lot of research in advance of coming back? What challenges did you face, practically or emotionally? Was there anything that surprised you, that you hadn’t envisaged? What are the biggest advantages/disadvantages to being “home”? What advice would you have for others based on your experience?

If you are still living abroad, would you like to move back to Ireland? If so, why? What would be the deciding factors (jobs, economy, schools, housing, or something else)? What concerns do you have? Do you think you have access to enough information to make the decision?

Encouraging emigrants to return to live in Ireland was one of the core strands of the Government’s Diaspora Policy, published earlier this year. Do you feel enough is being done to facilitate their return? What do you think could be done to better prepare people?


Have your say in the comments section below.