Share your experience: Have you learned another language?

We want to hear from readers abroad about the benefits and challenges of settling in a country where another language is spoken

Has knowing another language opened up new opportunities for you? Photograph: iStock/Getty Images

Are you living in a country where English is not the first language? Did you learn the language in advance of moving there, or was it new to you when you arrived?

Whether you are a near-fluent speaker, or a new learner, The Irish Times would like to hear about the challenges you have faced with the language barrier, and the opportunities that have opened up because of your efforts to learn a second (or third, fourth, fifth...) language.

You can share your experience (max 300 words) using this form. Don’t forget to tell us a little about yourself, including where you are from originally, where you are living now and what you do there.

A selection of responses may be published for European Day of Languages on September 26th.


Thank you.