Tell us: What's your experience of wedding traditions abroad?

Have you attended a wedding overseas and noticed things are done differently from traditional Irish weddings?

Marriage is worldwide but wedding celebrations and customs are often unique in different countries.

We want to hear about the weird and wonderful wedding traditions you’ve experienced from around the world. If you have attended a wedding abroad, what traditions did you love? What ones made you laugh? Were there any you found annoying? If you have married someone from a different country, what unique traditions did you embrace? What do you think Irish people can learn from wedding traditions in other countries? Would you like to include any of these wedding traditions into your own wedding day, or are there any you’d definitely veto?

You can share your experiences (max 300 words) using this form. Please attach a photograph if you have one.

A selection of responses may be published on, or passed to a journalist who may wish to contact you for more information.


If you are reading this in The Irish Times app, you can access the form here.

Thank you.