Were you in Paris while Notre Dame burned? We’d like to hear from you

Did you witness Monday’s fire or have a fond memory or story about the cathedral?

People watch as Notre Dame burns late into the night on April 15th, 2019. Photograph: Ludovic Marin/AFP/Getty Images

Notre Dame, the medieval Gothic cathedral and beloved Paris landmark, has been devastated by fire. While the blaze was extinguished on Tuesday morning, France is counting the cost, with president Emmanuel Macron vowing to start a national subscription rebuild the structure.

Parisians watched on Monday night as flames engulfed the building, which celebrated its 850th anniversary in 2013.

The blaze sent Notre Dame’s spire crashing to the ground, but some of the most precious objects housed in the cathedral were saved and removed to a secure facility. Authorities have said they are now investigating the cause of the catastrophic blaze.

We’re looking to hear from any Irish people living in or visiting France, who were in Paris on Monday as Notre Dame burned, and who wish to share their experience (max 200 words). Or, if you have a significant memory of the cathedral you’d like to share, or thoughts on what the Cathedral means to the people of Paris, please get in touch using this form, attaching a photograph of yourself too if you have one.


A selection of responses may be published online and/or in print as part of our reporting.

Thank you.