Bye bye rat, hello ox

How appropriate it is that Barack Obama should assume office just on the cusp of the Chinese year of the Ox which commences on…

How appropriate it is that Barack Obama should assume office just on the cusp of the Chinese year of the Ox which commences on January 26th. Obama, whose Chinese birth sign is the ox, undoubtedly exhibits the associated traits of supreme self-confidence and the ability to inspire confidence. Appropriately the Ox is also the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work.

Here, the Chinese New Year Festival Carnival will take place in Smithfield in Dublin from January 23rd until the 25th. Expect a riot of colour as imperial lions and oriental dragons whirl and swirl to the beat of Chinese traditional music. Browse among stalls of delectable Chinese cuisine and intricate works of art and craft and enjoy the music, martial arts and cookery displays and demonstrations on the main stage.

The Chester Beatty Library is participating by hosting a series of talks based on RTÉ's recent Thomas Davis lecture series on Chinese history and culture, as well as a series of concerts, performances and tours of its magnificent Chinese collection. Further events take place at Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane Gallery and many branches of Dublin City Libraries. Further details on