Camper fans

Eve Lom's simple, stripped-down range revolves around her iconic cleanser

Eve Lom's simple, stripped-down range revolves around her iconic cleanser

The Camper shoe always cuts it in terms of creativity, but the Majorcan company's latest collaborations with international artists and designers shows it going a step beyond footwear. In fact, Camper has become more of an ideas and design company. The interiors of their two new shops in Barcelona and Florence are cases in point, being innovative, daring and eye-catching. In Barcelona the colourful red ceramic tiles and shiny copper surfaces are the work of the Argentine/Swiss architect Alfredo Haberli while in Florence, the Brazilian Campara brothers masterminded the dramatic wall installations.

And it doesn't stop at clothes, interiors and their own Barcelona hotel. Camper's latest project is an Asian tapas bar in Barcelona, a culinary cross-fertilisation of two traditions involving the former chef de cuisine of Ferran Adrià's El Bulli, the most famous restaurant in Spain, and a Japanese sommelier. Dos Palillos is next to Casa Camper Hotel, Carrer Elisabets 11, El Raval, Barcelona.